
Our Vision at CommerceMedia

While CommerceMedia has experienced significant growth through its e-commerce support services, in recent years, we have also branched out into various new ventures under our own brand, including merchandise sales and wholesale, coffee bean roasting, and supporting sports clubs. While these ventures may seem disparate, they are all driven by a single underlying philosophy that guides our mission, vision, values, and culture.

Our MVVC serves as a guidepost for our organization, aligning individual, team, and company efforts towards a shared goal.

  • Mission Role of the Company
  • Vision Philosophy
  • Value Code of Conduct
  • Culture Values To Cherish Together


Pursuing the Essence of Business,
We Share Value with Society

We believe that true value naturally attracts people, resources, and investment, without the need for aggressive promotion. When a product, service, or company delivers genuine value, it will attract customers, employees, and partners who share in its vision and purpose.

Business is about matching supply with demand. Whether in e-commerce or any other industry, the essence of business is to provide goods or services that people want and need, and to connect suppliers with customers.

"Business" is about supply and demand between those who want and those who provide, and we believe that EC is ultimately the very essence of business, which is "buying things and selling them."

At CommerceMedia, we strive to maintain a balanced perspective in both our e-commerce support services and our own brand operations. Rather than favoring either the seller or the buyer, we aim to take a fair and objective view of the needs of our clients, consumers, and society as a whole. We constantly consider what is truly necessary and valuable, and work to pursue these goals in all our business endeavors.


These visions are not independent but rather interconnected, and we aim to ensure that they continue to cycle and support each other in a sustainable way.

"Adapting to Changing Values

To capture the changing values of our time, we are committed to incorporating the latest technologies and information into our operations. We aim to break free from past conventions and act based on new value systems.

Innovating for New Value

We are committed to ensuring the sustainability of our business by connecting supply and demand and guaranteeing the continuity of our operations. By enhancing the value of our company, we aim to build equal relationships with clients, partners, and consumers, engaging in fair value exchange.

"Sustaining Our Business

We value our products and services, evaluating them fairly in the context of changing times, and strive to create new value. We enhance the value of individual roles, leveraging diverse talents to achieve significant results and improve team value.


To achieve our mission and vision, we have identified four core values. These values serve as our guide for individual, team, and company actions. We strive to embody these values in our daily work, ensuring that our actions are aligned with our mission and vision.


To capture the evolving "value" of our time, we continually stay updated with the latest information and technology, ensuring that both individual skills and our organization as a whole remain cutting-edge and adaptable.

  • Embracing Cutting-Edge Technology and Update our Value Systems
  • Questioning Conventional Wisdom and Past Solutions
  • Maintaining the Status Quo Leads to Decline
  • Individual Growth Drives Organizational Development
  • Enhancing Individual Talent Benefits Both Individuals and the Organization

Thought and Practice

We believe that both thoughtless work and detached thinking are insufficient on their own; only when these two elements are combined, the true meaning can be found. We prioritize "thought and practice," emphasizing the unique ability of humans to reflect on, understand, and improve upon their work. In our pursuit of excellence, we recognize that failure is an inevitable part of the learning process and should not be feared. Instead, we encourage a cycle of thought, practice, and reflection to drive our business forward.

  • Understanding Purpose and Role for Purpose-Driven Practice
  • Refraining from Uninformed Criticism
  • Focusing on Essential Value and Regularly Reevaluating Priorities
  • Embracing Failure as a Natural Part of Creativity

Working as a Team

There are limits to what an individual can achieve and the speed at which they can accomplish it. At CommerceMedia, we recognize the benefits of our diverse workforce, with members of various job types and backgrounds who bring a range of perspectives and skills. Rather than rejecting differences, we embrace and acknowledge each other's unique qualities, maximizing our organization's strength through teamwork.

  • Collaborating as Parts of a Greater Whole
  • Achieving Greater Results as a Team
  • Recognizing Roles and Embracing Differences Within the Organization
  • Strength Through Diverse Perspectives and Values

Equal Relationships

In the Japanese business context, there is often a tendency for those providing value to be in a weaker position compared to those who pay for it. However, accepting this hierarchical dynamic may inadvertently diminish one's own value. To ensure appropriate value exchange with both partners and clients, we aim to maintain "equal relationships," fostering a balanced and respectful environment for all parties involved.

  • Building Equitable Relationships and Exchange Values
  • Encouraging Equal Exchange of Ideas Among Employees
  • Maintaining Equal Dialogue Between Company and Employees
  • Enhancing Individual and Team Value for Healthy Relationships


Codifying Culture and Values as the Foundation for Mission and Vision Achievement

Embracing Fun: If We're Going to Do It, Let's Enjoy Doing It!

Prioritizing Speed While Maintaining Thoroughness

Prioritizing Users, But Not Forgetting Ourselves

Individual Growth Leads to Organizational Growth

Building Equitable Relationships Based on Mutual Respect

Achieving Results Through Collective Efforts

Hiring for Cultural Fit

At CommerceMedia, we look for candidates who not only possess the necessary experience and skills but also resonate with our mission, vision, values, and culture.

We view the selection process as a two-way evaluation, where both CommerceMedia and the candidates can determine if the company is a good fit for each other. Through interviews and discussions, candidates can assess whether our culture aligns with their values and if our goals are in line with their own aspirations. We look forward to hearing from you and exploring how we might work together!