Sales Business

What is the sales business?

Commerce Media has grown as an e-commerce support company.
In recent years, we have been taking advantage of the e-commerce knowledge and know-how we have accumulated as a supporter to venture into a wide range of retail fields, including in-house purchasing and product planning.
By gaining hands-on experience in areas such as product planning, purchasing, and manufacturing, which are difficult to experience in the EC support business, we are able to further deepen our understanding of retail and use the knowledge we gain there to support our clients.

Purpose of the sales business

At Commerce Media, we believe that business is all about having inventory.
When providing e-commerce support to clients, if you do not have experience purchasing and selling products in-house, your proposals will not be persuasive.
Furthermore, we are able to provide all further e-commerce support once we have inventory, and I am confident that we will become an even stronger organization if we are able to cover product planning, purchasing, and manufacturing.

The purpose of this sales business is to enjoy "retail" and experience its hardships. Then, to utilize that experience in the proposals we make in our EC support business and to improve the accuracy of our support.

The growth of the EC market, which expanded during the COVID-19 pandemic, has slowed, and competition among the rapidly increasing number of EC support companies is intensifying. Even as many web services come and go, we believe that retail, which is the essence of business and "purchasing and selling goods," will continue to exist. Commerce Media will continue to take on a wide range of challenges in the retail field.

Covering a wide range of business areas

Product planning, purchasing, and manufacturing are the first steps in the overall flow of business. We are challenging ourselves in this area, which is difficult to get involved in through our own sales business.

  • Product Planning
  • Purchasing and manufacturing
  • Strategy formulation
  • Site Construction
  • Site Updates
  • Management and ordering agency
  • Logistics agency
  • Customer Support
  • Front-end business
  • Back-end business

Managing all processes gives rise to new perspectives

How EC support and sales businesses relate

In the EC support business, we can be involved in various sites and products of our clients, get a feel for the market, and broaden our range of know-how. We can use that know-how to grow our sales business.
Because we can make operational decisions in-house, we can quickly try out aggressive plans, various measures, new functions, tools, etc. The know-how and successful measures gained from the sales business are utilized in our clients' EC support businesses.

Our aim is to further invigorate the two businesses through this kind of interaction. Going forward, we will continue to proactively work on both businesses while maintaining a good balance, rather than focusing on just one.

E-commerce support business

You can check the market sentiment
Involved in multiple products


Sales Business

You can try out all kinds of planning and management
Connected to appropriate support

Sales business introduction

Sports club support

We provide various e-commerce-based support to sports leagues and club teams that are experiencing challenges with their online shops.