Black Thunder Valentine's Day Special Online Store 2022
We will provide full support for Black Thunder Seishun Valentine's Shop in 2022, from building to operating the e-commerce site!
We provide total support for building your own Valentine's Day special e-commerce website, including operation and logistics!
URL | |
Industry/sector | Food |
Genre | E-commerce website |
Production period | 1 month |
Platform | Shopify |
Production details |
- Request details
- Following on from last year, we were in charge of building a special Valentine's Day e-commerce website for Black Thunder in 2022. We have also been asked to provide operational support, including logistics and customer support, after the site launch.
- Details of the project
- The entire site was designed by another company, so we communicated closely when we incorporated the design into the Shopify construction, striving to avoid any misunderstandings. The site concept was also decided, so we were careful not to destroy the worldview when constructing it.
In addition, we are making proposals to clients about logistics and other operations using last year's experience, and we are utilizing OMS's LOGILESS to utilize our know-how to ensure smooth shipping from two locations.
This is an example that is only possible because we are a company that can provide one-stop support for EC.