An interview with someone from a manufacturing company or a business firm about changing jobs to our company was published.

Employees from manufacturing companies are also active here! Why do job seekers choose Commerce Media to advance their careers in the EC industry? We interviewed active employees about the reality of "a workplace where you can grow" and "work style"

Nakamura, Takahashi, Tanaka, and Nishito, who all come from manufacturers and business companies, answer questions in the interview!

If you are interested in changing jobs from a business company to an EC support company, please read the article.

We interviewed four people who changed jobs to Commerce Media, which provides comprehensive EC support, direct sales, and sales agency services, about why they chose Commerce Media as their new employer, the unique features of Commerce Media, and how they felt about their own career advancement. This is a must-read for EC managers who want to grow in the EC industry.

Read the article (will take you to the Ecommerce Forum site)